CowBear's Place
Hanky Codes
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My Bear Code = B7 f t+ w c++ g++ k+ s++
My Cigar code = C++ p++ c--

Hanky Codes

The Hanky Code is a traditional form of signalling to others what your sexual preferences and interests are. Here you will find 2 sets of codes. The first one is a simple all-around listing that 99.9999% would agree on. The other list are my additions to that list. The forth coloumn is for indicating an interest and position I take with it.

BLACK heavy SM top heavy SM bottom    right
GRAY bondage top fit to be tied!    right
BLUE, Light wants head cocksucker    right
BLUE, Robin's Egg 69er anything but 69ing    left
BLUE, Medium cop copsucker    right
BLUE, Navy fucker (top) fuckee (bottom)    right
BLUE, Teal cock & ball torturer cock & ball torturee    right
RED fist fucker fist fuckee    right
RED, Dark 2-handed fister 2-handed fistee
PINK, Light dildo fucker dildo fuckee    right
PINK, Dark tit torturer tit torturee    right
MAGENTA suck my pits armpit freak    right
PURPLE piercer piercee    right
YELLOW pisser/WS piss freak    right
YELLOW, Pale spits drool crazy
MUSTARD hung 8"+ wants 8"+    right
GOLD two looking for one one looking for two    right
ORANGE anything anytime nothing now (just cruising)    left
RUST a cowboy a cowboy's horse    right
FUSCHIA spanker spankee    right
GREEN, Hunter daddy orphan boy looking for daddy    right
BEIGE rimmer rimmee    right
BROWN LACE uncut likes uncut    right
BROWN SATIN cut likes cut    right
CHARCOAL latex fetish top latex fetish bottom
CREAM cums in condoms sucks cum out of condoms    right
RED w/WHITE Stripe shaver shavee    right
WHITE LACE likes white bottoms likes white tops    right
FUR bestialist top bestialist bottom    right
LEOPARD has tattoos likes tattoos    right
TAN smokes cigars likes cigars    left/right
TEDDY BEAR cuddler cuddlee    right
DIRTY JOCKSTRAP wears a dirty jock sucks dirty jocks clean
MOSQUITO NETTING outdoor sex top outdoor sex bottom    right
CHAMOIS Biker - rides a motorcycle Likes Bikers    right
RED w/BLACK Stripe furry bear likes bears    right
RED/WHITE GINGHAM park sex top park sex bottom    right
BLACK VELVET has/takes pictures/videos will perform for the camera    right
HOUNDSTOOTH likes to nibble willing to be bitten    right
TERRYCLOTH bathhouse top bathhouse bottom    right
WHITE w/MULTICOLOR Dots hosting an orgy looking for an orgy    right
Dip Can dip spitter spittoon    right

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