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Hanky Codes
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Hanky Codes

Color Left Pocket Right Pocket
Blackheavy SM top heavy SM bottom
Greybondage top bondage bottom
Blue, Lightwants head cocksucker
Blue, Robin's Egg69er anything but 69ing
Blue, Mediumcop copsucker
Blue, Navyfucker (top) fucker (bottom)
Blue, Airforcepilot/flight attendant likes flyboys
Blue, Light w/White stripesailor lookin' for salty seamen
Blue, Tealcock & ball torturer cock & ball torturee
Redfist fucker fist fuckee
Marooncuts bleeds
Red, dark2-handed fister 2-handed fistee
Pink, Lightdildo fucker dildo fuckee
Pink, Darktit torturer tit torturee
Mauveinto navel worshippers has a navel fetish
Magentasuck my pits armpit freak
Purplepiercer piercee
LavenderLikes drag queens drag queen
Yellowpisser/WS piss freak
Yellow, Palespits drool crazy
Mustardhung 8"+ wants 8"+
Goldtwo looking for one one looking for two
Orangeanything anytime nothing now (just cruising)
Apricottwo tons o' fun chubby chaser
Coralsuck my toes shrimper (sucks toes)
Rusta cowboy a cowboy's horse
Fuschiaspanker spankee
Green, Kellyhustler (for rent) john (looking to buy)
Green, HunterDaddy orphan boy looking for Daddy
Olive DrabMilitary top Military bottom
Green, Limedines off tricks (food) dinner plate (will buy dinner)
Beigerimmer rimmee
Brownscat top scat bottom
Brown Laceuncut likes uncut
Brown Satincut likes cut
Charcoallatex fetish top latex fetish bottom
Grey Flannelowns a suit likes men in suits
Whitebeat my meat (J/O) I'll do us both (J/O)
Holsteinmilker milkee
Creamcums in condoms sucks cum out of condoms
Black w/White checksafe sex top safe sex bottom
Red w/White stripeshaver shavee
Red w/Black stripefurry bear likes bears
White Lacelikes white bottoms likes white tops
Black w/White stripelikes black bottoms likes black tops
Brown w/White stripelikes latino bottoms likes latino tops
Yellow w/White stripelikes asian bottoms likes asian tops
Blue, Light w/White dotslikes white suckers likes to suck whites
Blue, Light w/Black dotslikes black suckers likes to suck blacks
Blue, Light w/Brown dotslikes latino suckers likes to suck latinos
Blue, Light w/Yellow dotslikes asian suckers likes to suck asians
Red/White Ginghampark sex top park sex bottom
Brown Corduroyheadmaster student
Paisleywears boxer shorts likes boxer shorts
Furbeastialist top beastialist bottom
Gold Lamelikes muscleboy bottoms likes muscleboy tops
Silver Lamestarfucker celebrity
Black Velvethas/takes videos will perform for the camera
White Velvetvoyeur (likes to watch) will put on a show
Leopardhas tattoos likes tattoos
Tansmokes cigars likes cigars
Teddy Bearcuddler cuddlee
Kewpie DollChicken (under-aged) chicken hawk (likes young adolescents)
Dirty Jockstrapwears a dirty jock sucks dirty jocks clean
Doilytearoom top (pours) tearoom bottom (drinks)
Mosquito Nettingoutdoor sex top outdoor sex bottom
Ziplock baghas drugs looking for drugs
cocktail napkinbartender bar groupie
Kleenexstinks sniffs
Keys in fronthas a car looking for a ride
Keys in backhas a home needs a place to stay
Houndstoothlikes to nibble willing to be bitten
Union Jackskinhead top skinhead bottom
Caliconew in town tourists welcome
Terryclothbathhouse top bathhouse bottom
White w/Multicolor dotshosting an orgy looking for an orgy
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